Please Note Monday is President’s Day = No School

Essential Question:  What was life like during the “gilded age” in America?

Essential Question: What regulations did the  government put in place to combat corruption in the American political system?

Day 1

    1. Current Events
    2. Finish PPTNotes begun on Friday Gilded Age Part 1:  Segregation and Social Tensions
    3. PPTNotes Gilded Age Part 2:  Political and Economic Challenges, gilded-age-p2-political-and-economic-challenges,  studppnts-p2gildedagepoliticsandeconchallenges


Day 2

  1. Current Events
  2. Primary Source Photo Analysis:  The Gilded Age, stud-ws-political-cartoon-analysis , political-cartoons-for-analysis

Day 3

    1. Finish Primary Source Cartoon Analysis begun on Day 2
    2. Begin to create own current Political Cartoon following the steps in the analysis cartoon begun on Day 2, stud-ws-create-your-own-political-cartoon


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